Wednesday 1 July 2015

The transport facilities featured in Bayfront MRT station

  After alighting from the train, I made my way to the ticketing station where I could leave the MRT station. I was thinking that might be just an ordinary MRT station like many other MRT stations. Before another awful remark about this 'supposed to be an ordinary MRT station' came to my mind, to my amazement, I saw a beautiful portrait, stretching across from one end of the station to another about 30 metres long (below). The picture is filled with boats, sailing in the sea. It looked rather colourful from a distance.
This piece of art might catch some of the people especially the tourist's attention. Also giving them a small and good impression about how we Singaporeans cherish our art piece. 

A picture which is featured in the MRT station
   Then, after I tapped my EZ-Link card, the floor which looked like a target that was used in archery and the two layered of fluorescent lamp (hanging above the floor) shine brightly onto the floor. The designs that are layout in the middle of the station were surprisingly special compared to other MRT station. The floor was made of marble and it was smooth and shiny to prevent from any scratches by the people and  easy to clean for the cleaners whenever the floor was dirty. The lamp was lighted brightly to ensure that the place was bright.  (I almost forgot to mention this) In the middle of the MRT station, when I looked up around the first layer of the fluorescent lamp, I saw an empty hole all the way to the sky. This allows the air convention to take place between the sky and the MRT station to prevent the MRT station to be stuffy.

This is how the lamp and the floor looks like.

This is a picture of the floor which is designed and placed in the middle of the MRT station.
This is a picture of the fluorescent lamp which is hanging in the middle of the MRT station.
This is how it's looks like when you look above in the middle of the MRT station.
Also there are a few types of pillars that are built around the MRT station.
But I will only talk two different types of pillar in the station.
The first pillar (that is shown below) looked like a chainmail coated around the round pillar . Maybe the reasons why these pillars is designed in this way was because it was to prevent passengers leaning against the pillar. Or it could be just to enhance the strength of the pillar to support the station itself. The colour of the pillar was much more darker than the second type of pillar.

This is how the metal pillar looks like. It looks rather heavy from a distance.
The second type of pillar(that is shown below) which looked like an ordinary pillar that could be found at any local shopping mall. The pillar was made of greyish marble and it is smoother than the iron pillars that I have mention earlier. The purpose of this pillars to be design in this way might be due to the surroundings of the structure. In order to blend the surrounding structure such as the marbled floor, the pillars which are close towards the marbled floor are made of marble. 
This is a marbled-looking pillar.
The ceilings that was built around the MRT station were made of pure white soft titles.(fake ceiling) The colour of the ceilings does match well with the structure around the MRT station but there was a problem. The problem was that the ceilings can easily get dirty and wear and tear. The ceiling might be a temporary ceiling. 
This is a picture of an 'infected'(dirty & war and tear) ceiling

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